History Of The Screaming Hand Logo

Created in 1985 by illustrator Jim Phillips, the hand served as an overall brand image for the entire Speed Wheels line, which included Slime Balls, Bullets, and OJs. With a blood-stained compound fracture, flapping tendons and misplaced mouth piece. This aggro amputee became one of the most recognizable skate logos of all time.

I’m often asked where I got the idea for the Screaming Hand... like I had a store where I could get images. Sometimes an idea just pops in my mind, and I’ve trained myself to be receptive. Screaming Hand dates back to high school where I liked to spend my time drawing epic surfing and skate- board pictures and give them to my friends. In typical surf scenes, I would draw a big wave and a goofy surfer with sight gags like circling shark fins or a clenched hand sticking out of the water like a drowning guy. That intrigued me after I saw a drowned guy at the beach, snot coming out of his nose after some men tried to revive him, the first dead person I ever saw. Stuck in my mind, I drew the clenched hand on my book covers and notepads. Fast forward, and NHS is forming a wheel line and asked for a logo for Speed Wheels Santa Cruz. As I sat at my drawing table and clenched my left hand, I penciled a sketch, thinking about how powerful the hand is, how artists have used it in gestures to express emotion. Then I thought about it being even more expressive if it had a mouth right on the palm, and how much more if it was screaming! I got pretty worked up and knew my drawing would make a cool logo, though it took some time to talk the manager into it. We made stickers and T-shirts, and soon the Screaming Hand proved itself as a powerful icon that certainly earned its own way.

- Jim Phillips

Screaming Hand Santa Cruz Logo Early Mock 1
Screaming Hand Early Mock 2 Screaming Hand Early Mock 3
Screaming hand black white mock 4
Screaming hand slime balls wheels mock Screaming hand OJs wheels logo
Screaming hand OJs Slime Balls advertising Screaming hand bullets advertising Screaming Hand OJ's advertising

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